Thursday, November 17, 2005

Popping the Blog Cherry

There comes a point in every man's life when he has to bite the bullet and start a blog. I really only started this so I could post comments on my friends' blog but then I decided I could maybe get some of these random thoughts out of my head through this medium. So here goes nothing. Why does dog shit turn white in the sun? If I shit in the sun will it turn white? Why does the world revolve around sex and money when Capri Suns and Fruit Roll Up are sometimes just as good? Why did Dalton from Road House have to have a first name? Why are some english words cool (i.e. moist, succulent, scrimmage, brewery) while others absolutely suck (i.e. paint, vacuum, chlorine, giant)? Do dogs really see in black and white? How did someone figure that out? Why can't I run faster? Why do nipples get hard when it's cold? How come items that are festive to a season or holiday so much fun to buy and consume? Why do people think it's cool to laugh at there own jokes? Can you really light a fart on fire? I think I should try one day. Why do some ethnic groups like bass? Why aren't velcro shoes in style anymore? They were very practical. Is fish a meat? Why do I not own an arcade game by now? I should.

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